Instant Tent Vs Regular Tent Comparison

image instant tent vs regular tent

If you’re looking for a new tent like I was a couple of years ago, you may have started to research into the different types of tents and noticed that “instant” or pop-up tents are gaining in popularity. I started to wonder too about the comparison of instant tent vs regular tent.

At the end of the day, it’s up to you what you want. Instant or pop-up tents are really easy to set up, tear down, and they’re pretty durable, but they cost more. Regular tents take more time to set up, but they’re more affordable, can pack up smaller, and are also durable if set up correctly.

Read on for details and the head to head.

image instant tent vs regular tent


Instant tents or pop-up tents have all the supports already attached to the tent body material. Often all you need to do is twist them a certain way, and they’ll pop right up. To tear down, it’s as easy as reversing whatever steps you did to get it up.

Here’s an example of a good instant tent by Coleman which is one of the dominating companies in the instant tent market. I’ve checked this one out while camping (it belonged to someone else, but they let me mess around with it), and I can say that it is really easy to use.

Pros for Instant Tents

  • Easy set up and tear down
  • Still offers a lot of room
  • Material is as strong as regular tents

Cons for Instant Tents

  • Higher cost
  • Don’t condense down as easily
  • When parts break, it’s harder to replace
  • Tend to fold more when it’s windy


When I’m referring to “regular” tents, I mean any tent that you have to set up yourself with more than one action. This creates a huge variety in the types of tents, so for comparison’s sake, let’s compare with another Coleman dome tent that’s most like the instant tent above.

This tent is the same size, but by looking at it we can generalize the pros and cons for regular setup tents. Coleman’s dome tents are one of the most common tents you see at campgrounds all around the U.S.

Pros for Regular Tents

  • More affordable
  • Can be folded into a small area
  • Parts are easy to interchange with others when broken
  • Durable when exposed to winds (depending on the brand and construction)

Cons for Regular Tents

  • Take more effort to set up and tear down
  • More chance of human error in setting up
  • Failure to set up correctly results in poor stability


For an easy reference, check out this list of direct comparison between the instant tent and then regular tent. For this list, I checked out dozens of tents on each side and drew conclusions based on those findings. Note that the conclusions are drawn from general trends, there are always exceptions on a case by case basis.

FeatureInstant TentRegular Tent
Setup/tear down speed3-5 minutes10-15 minutes
CostUsually around $30 moreStandard depending on type
Wind resistanceFlimsier than comparable modelsSolid stability depending on brand and type
Quality of materialSame depending on tentSame depending on tent
SpaceSame depending on tentSame depending on tent
WeightUsually around 1-3lbs moreStandard weight depending on brand and type
Ease of carryFolds down, but not into as small a bag which makes it more awkward to carryFolds down into easy to carry bags or duffels
Water resistanceGood water resistance depending on tentUsually the same, but error in setup may result in leaking

Use this chart to help you decide which features are right for you.


What types of tents come in the instant or pop up variety? – You can find instant ones in several types, but they tend to come in three varieties: dome, cabin, and cube.

Dome and cabin tents are similar, though cabins are a boxier shape. These instant tents use an umbrella-like mechanism to pop up the tent.  

Cube tents are another type that are instant setups. They are boxy and the frame is made from bendable poles. They twist to close up into a relatively small shape, and setting them up is the easiest because you can just toss them into the air, and they set up on their own.

What brands can I trust for instant tents? – Right now, instant tents are still relatively new, so the market is dominated by Coleman and Quechua. Coleman produces the more standard types of tents, but these ones are just in the instant pop-up variety. Quechua goes for some unique stylings using bendable rods and interesting tent shapes.

What material do instant tents usually come in? – Though regular tents can come in a variety of materials such as polyester, canvas, PVC, and cuben fiber, the instant tents don’t have this variety. Specialized polyester is the material you find these tents in because of its durability and foldability.


We hope you enjoyed seeing our instant tent vs regular tent comparison. Either one is fine for different purposes, and both are probably fine for most situations.

If you’re a casual camper or have a family that needs a lot of attention (cough, cough, toddlers…), you may want to opt for the instant tent. Though it costs more, the easy setup lets you get right into camping without wasting any time. If you’re camping with family, you’re probably car camping anyway, so it doesn’t really matter that it’s heavier.

For serious campers and especially backpackers, the regular tent is the way to go. It’s lighter and easier to carry which is essential when you’re on the trail. The extra money you save going this route is nice too.

Whatever you decide, we hope the information helped you decide what you’re looking for.

Now get out there and enjoy the fresh air!
If you enjoyed this article, you may also enjoy the 7 best backpacking tents.


Zach has been an outdoor enthusiast since childhood when he joined the Cub Scouts of America. Since then, he's spent a lot of time camping with his wife, three boys, and dog.

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