Camping is a fun, fulfilling pastime that 75 million households did in 2017 alone. This is up from past years and the trend is definitely on the climb.
Camping can do a lot of great things for your family, but some people are scared off by the monumental task of getting your littles outside. I get it, believe me. As of this writing, I have three boys ages 7, 5, and 3.
Still, I believe the pros far outweigh the stress. (And, you know, with a good camping checklist for families, it’s much easier). Check out my list of 12 benefits of camping for the family.

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In today’s fast-paced media world, there has been a new swing towards screen-free time. Too much media overload can affect the way young brains develop.
By going outdoors for long periods of time, you effectively remove all of that instantly. No fighting about how long or what kids can watch. Nothing but you and the outdoors.
Families don’t always realize the importance of time spent together. Quality family time is in short supply as families have to work harder to make ends meet and are distracted by the constant stream of media.
Bonding time brings you closer to your kids and forces you to truly pay attention to each other. Kids need this attention for their development and happiness.
Related Reading: Why family time is important
Getting out into the outdoors lets your kids connect with nature on a deeper level. Being out in nature has quantified health benefits including:
- Boosts immune system
- Improve vision
- Increases energy
- Reduces stress
- Escape social pressures
There are a lot more scientific benefits of the outdoors, but these are some of the most important ones.
Due to the exposure of Vitamin D from sunshine, you and your kids can get some natural health boosts. Too often we’re stuck indoors, but camping can help your family spend some time together in the sun.
Whether you’re playing around the campsite or just swimming in a lake, your family is sure to love the feeling of the sun on your skin. Just make sure you wear some sunscreen.
This benefits is one of the most important ones in camping for families in this day and age. Kids and adults have a big focus problem right now. Think about it.
Televisions shows play for around 6 minutes before a commercial comes on. When you watch a movie at home, are you also flipping through your phone?
When you’re out camping, you force your mind to slow down. This may seem like a bad thing at first, but what you’re actually developing is the ability to focus better and for longer periods. Instead of flipping from stimulus to stimulus, you pay attention to one thing at a time.
With the pressures of standardized testing so strong in our schools right now, teachers are forced to choose between teaching to a test or getting a bad evaluation and lowered funding. This crushes the ability for teachers to create real, applicable activities for students to do.
As parents, we can help our kids learn practical life skills and lessons through camping. You can teach them on the spot about things in nature to reinforce what they learned in science.
Even more than that, you can help your kids build their problem-solving skills. The ability to work through a problem creatively is one of the best indicators of a child’s success later in life. And all of the can come from camping with your family.
Pro-tip: Invite your kids to help with all aspects of camping (as long as it’s safe depending on their age). Don’t tell them what to do; ask them what they think could help get the task done. Even just involving them helps build these skills.
At home, it’s easy for kids (and grownups too) to go to the pantry and grab a snack or throw some frozen chicken nuggets in the microwave for lunch. But out in nature, that’s not an option.
Cooking while camping is fun and challenging (look for our upcoming posts on camping food). If you ever went camping as a kid, you probably have a favorite food from back then. My two favorite camping dishes were and still are the ever popular S’mores and Pie Iron Pizzas.
Your kids can explore the wonderful recipes of camping like you did!
There’s no better way to have kids blow off steam and burn out energy than being outside. Almost every activity that’s even possible while camping involves some sort of exercise to it.
Camping for families may make parents nervous that their kids may get out of control. In my experience, it’s actually the opposite. Kids listen and behave better because they’re more tired!
Here are some activities your kids can do from all different ages:
- Running and walking
- Swimming
- Climbing trees
- Digging holes in the sand or sandbox
- Playing various sports
- Biking
- Canoeing/Kayaking
There are several outdoor hobbies associated with camping that your kids may never have experienced before. This is a great chance for them to discover something new they may stick with for the rest of their lives.
When I was a kid, I was a natural book worm, and there’s nothing wrong with that. As I began to explore the outdoors by going camping with my family, I discovered that there were many things outside I enjoyed. It’s because of camping that discovered how much I enjoy fishing.
There’s nothing wrong with being clean and sanitary, but there’s also something primal and satisfying about getting your hands dirty. As a teenager (and not at all obnoxious), I would reluctantly do anything my parents told me to do. After all, I knew it all.
I distinctly remember my dad making me help him set up our campsite and clear out the area when I didn’t want to at all. Afterward, he told me that someday I would do something I didn’t want to do and take pride in knowing that I did the job well.
I never believed him until I looked at my own campsite when my wife and I took our kids camping. I felt that sense of pride at a job well done. I hope to give that gift to my kids through camping experiences.
When we travel to different parts of the country (or world if that’s your thing), it’s really easy just to buzz from city to city and stay at hotel rooms on your way to your destination. Something as simple as choosing to camp at your stops makes you slow down and appreciate the land around you a little bit more.
Pro-tip: State parks and campgrounds are available all over the nation. There are almost always a lot cheaper to use for one night than a hotel room, so you can also save a lot of money.
Your kids won’t be little forever. Someday they’ll grow up and move off on their own. Though my own kids are still young, I feel the day approaching when they’ll have their own lives.
It saddens me to know that they won’t depend on me forever. But when I think about all the memories and experiences we’ve shared and the many more yet to come, my heart is full. (Yes, that’s cheesy, but I’m a cheesy guy!)
Related Reading: 7 Fun Thing to do While Sitting Around a Campfire
We hope you consider camping a great way to make a difference in your family and to not be so scared by it anymore. There are many more benefits of camping for families, but these ones are the most important to me.
Now get out there and enjoy the fresh air!
If you enjoyed reading this article and you’re ready to get started, you may also want to check out the best camping tents for families.